Justice of the Peace:
For more information about finding a Justice of the Peace close to you, please visit the Justice and Community Safety Victoria State Government website at www.justice.vic.gov.au, or click below:
If you have any queries that relate to water that aren't related to storm water drainage, you will need to contact GWMWater. You can find their contact details on their website at www.gwmwater.org.au/contact-us/contact-gwmwater.
Powercor Australia:
If you have queries that relate to power and electricity, e.g. power lines, power outages, you will need to contact Powercor Australia. You can find their contact details on their website at www.powercor.com.au/contact-us.
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP):
DELWP works in partnership with a range of agencies and stakeholders to protect and preserve Victoria’s native landscape through a range of biodiversity, wildlife, sustainability, climate change and community programs.
If you have queries about wildlife, e.g. snakes, bees, possums, kangaroos, birds, or if you have queries about land that is owned and managed by DELWP, you will need to contact them on 13 61 86.
Wildlife Rescue Australia:
Wildlife Rescue Australia is a not-for-profit, voluntary organisation which operates an Australia-wide, 24/7 Call Centre. The Centre is staffed by professional operators trained to facilitate the rescue of sick, injured or orphaned native animals. This service is available not only to members of the public, but also native animal groups, veterinary clinics, local Councils, Police etc.
You can contact Wildlife Rescue Australia by calling 1300 596 457 or by visiting their website at www.wildliferescue.net.au.
Regional Roads Victoria/VicRoads:
If you have queries about roads that are owned and manged by VicRoads, or if you require VicRoads services the Council do not provide, you will need to contact VicRoads. You can find their contact details on their website at www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/contact-us.
Parks Victoria:
Lake Hindmarsh, Lake Albacutya, Little Desert National Park, Wyperfeld National Park, Birdcage Flora and Fauna Reserve and the Glenlee Flora and Fauna Reserve are managed by Parks Victoria. If you have any queries that relate to these reserves and parks, you will need to contact Parks Victoria. You can find their contact details on their website at www.parks.vic.gov.au/contact-us.
VicTrack owns Victoria’s transport land, assets and infrastructure – and works to protect and grow the value of the portfolio to support a thriving transport system, and make travel and living better for Victorians.
If you have queries that relate to railway lines/train tracks or the land close to railway lines/train tracks, you will need to contact VicTrack. You can find their contact details on their website at www.victrack.com.au/about/contact-us.