Site 83A Chaplins Saw Mill site

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Two Chaplin brothers, Edward & William, can be credited with starting the first industrial enterprise in the district.

While engaged in saw-milling in the southern shire of Kowree, they sensed that the new settlement at Jeparit offered a golden opportunity in their line of business.

New bridges and the possibility of the railway construction in the near future appeared very encouraging. Early in April, 1891, they settled with their families on the East side of Lake Hindmarsh, about 5 miles from Jeparit. They went to Melbourne to purchase a steam engine, saw bench and other necessary equipment. The machinery was railed to Dimboola and then hauled by bullock wagon to the mill site.

Timber available was mainly red gum and native pine, in abundant quantities. Timber was sourced from wherever it was available around Lake Hindmarsh. They secured a contract to supply timber for the new bridge being built across the Wimmera River in 1893.

They were later engaged to cut and supply timber for bridges and platforms for the local railway project. The Railways also offered an order for the Mildura line, but at 3 shillings and 10 pence per sleeper and more than this for freight, no business was done.

Most of the early local homes were built with their timber, at the price of 8 shillings per 100 super feet. All went well until the big flood of 1893, when the lake overflowed and flooded the mill site. This threw them temporarily out of business and heavy losses incurred. The families shifted to Jeparit but later returned to Jeparit north in 1895 to take up farming.

In 1898 Edward Chaplin leased his share of the mill to William Russell, who then became William Chaplins partner.

Disclaimer: All information contained on these pages has been prepared over years of research from a small local volunteer group. The information is correct to the best of our knowledge. We always welcome suggestions for corrections or further information to add to the heritage sites. Please forward any comments to