Site 81 The Big Cattle Trap
Ellam-Willenabrinna Rd, 22kms north of Jeparit
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There were two cattle traps, known as the Big Cattle Trap and the Little Cattle Trap.
This one was known as the Big Cattle Trap. In the early days, prior to cultivation, sheep grazing was the main activity on these large pastoral runs. Stray cattle from up north would often stray south onto the sheep runs and at that time where considered to be vermin.
Naturally the cattle needed water so the traps were built near sources of water. Log fences were built in a V shape, and these stray animals were then herded into the enclosure. Any owner could claim their animals, and those that were not claimed, well yes, steak was on the menu, hence the name, Cattle Trap.
In the early 1900’s, a committee was formed and this one was developed into a Community Sheep Dip. First it was a Plunge Dip and in later years a Spray Dip was installed. Sheep are dipped after shearing to stop lice infestations on sheep. The sheep are saturated with an insecticide which breaks the life cycle of lice. In the 1970’s over 6000 sheep were dipped over 2 days.
The last dipping on 25/10/2005 only 3250 sheep were dipped as new technology known as Back line is now being used.
The committee pictured closed the dip on the 15/03/2020.
Disclaimer: All information contained on these pages has been prepared over years of research from a small local volunteer group. The information is correct to the best of our knowledge. We always welcome suggestions for corrections or further information to add to the heritage sites. Please forward any comments to