Site 6 Hindmarsh Hotel
50 Roy Street
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It was in the year 1894 that Mr J. Jeffrey announced his intention to open a Coffee Palace in Roy Street, where travellers and the general public could find the best accommodation, plenty of yard room and good stabling. He erected a substantial weather board building, and, prospects looked bright as the railway had reached Jeparit. A few months later his wife applied for a licence to sell wine and operate a billiard room. Seasons were poor and the Jeffreys ran into financial difficulties. Under these circumstances they were forced to assign their estate to the creditors.
In 1895 John Rae, who was a timber merchant and undertaker, took possession, but his stay was short and Mrs Ellen Shiell became the proprietress of Shiell's Coffee Palace. A victualler's license was granted to George Shiell in 1899.
In the bid for custom he advertised "a water trough permanently supplied with water, good stabling with an attentive groom in attendance".
The original building was totally destroyed by fire on November 4th 1928. Several horses perished in the blaze and four motor cars suffered the same fate. During 1929 it was rebuilt in a type of Spanish design on the ground and upper floors. The Cordners sold out to Ted Jewell and many licensees followed.
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