Site 30 Cobbett and Goebell Groceries and Drapery Store
30 Roy Street
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This building was constantly evolving over the years.
It started as a Grocery and Drapery store with Bert Wild behind the grocery counter, the other section was the drapery side with Alma Hamdorf (Mrs D Cameron) as senior assistant.
Ernest Withers came from Ballarat and bought the whole business. Wally Haeusler moved into the grocery section and later Vic Lawes. After the front section was rebuilt, Mr Lawes moved down the street and Harry Stephens continued the grocery shop.
At the end of the 2nd world war Mr Stephens moved over the road and Len Williamson opened up a Cafe.
Other Cafe owners included, Bert & Letty Lawrence, Mrs Betty Adams, HS & CR Cramp, Eric & Coral Sonntag, Reg & Liz Gouge, Bev & Greg Phillips, Brian & Shirley Schorback, Wayne & Chris Manton, Debbie & Trevor Dryburgh and Gary Marks.
In the drapery department, Flo Withers, Mick Hamdorf, Miss Greenwood, Glad Witney, Nellie Ludlow, Ada Window, (Mrs G Marks) and George Mutton were some of the employees. Mrs Withers carried on after the death of her husband for a few years and finally had a closing down sale.
It was opened again as a dress shop on one side and drapery and haberdashery on the other. At some stage the two shops were combined into one. Some of the owners were, Mrs Harry Schulz and Mrs Brown, Mrs Kossatz, Mrs Mavis Moll, Mrs Helen Hounsell, Mrs Bernice Geitz, all as dress and haberdashery shop. Then Mr Bill Johnson moved in, kept the haberdashery and included the Newsagency, Wayne and Chris Manton as Newsagent, then Eric Altmann, Newsagent, Electrical Appliances and Hardware. Last occupied by Daryl & Rhonda Holden but unfortunately the building was destroyed by fire on the 24th of May 2012.
Disclaimer: All information contained on these pages has been prepared over years of research from a small local volunteer group. The information is correct to the best of our knowledge. We always welcome suggestions for corrections or further information to add to the heritage sites. Please forward any comments