Glass Bins

Glass Bins.png

Hindmarsh Shire Council's new glass bin collection services commenced in April 2023.

Glass bin collection days:

  • Friday 7 June 2024
  • Friday 2 August 2024
  • Friday 27 September 2024
  • Friday 22 November 2024
  • Friday 17 January 2025
  • Friday 14 March 2025
  • Friday 9 May 2025
  • Friday 4 July 2025

Putting your bin out:

  • Put your bin out the night before collection day
  • Bring it in when it's empty
  • Place your bin on the kerb close to the road
  • Make sure it faces towards the road (the handle should face your home)
  • Make sure that the bin lid is closed (do not over fill your bin)


What Goes in Each Bin


What Goes in each bin Karen.png

Purple Glass Bin Information

Glass-only bin (4).png

Frequently Asked Questions

Lids or No Lids?

Please ensure that the glass jars and bottles that you place in the purple bin are lightly rinsed and do NOT have a lid attached. The lids will need to go into the general rubbish bin.

What about broken glass?

Some items crush as shards and contaminate the glass batch. Therefore, we kindly request that you keep broken glass in the general waste.

What if I don’t want a glass bin service?

The roll out of the glass bins is compulsory for all urban residents. The state government is currently developing legislation which may allow for residents to opt out, however at present time the service is mandatory.

Rural customers on route

Council will be entering into a new waste contract in late 2023 and will include recycling and glass for rural drop off locations and rural customers on route.

What are you doing with the glass?

Council is collecting the glass and taking it to Warracknabeal where a joint rural glass crushing unit will crush the glass for Councils to then use as a base in footpaths.

What about Food and Organic Waste collection?

At this time Hindmarsh Council is not rolling out a green Food and Organic (FOGO) waste collection as the closest processing facility is in Melbourne. If a local or regional processing facility is established, then Council will consult with the community about introducing a service.

3 Bin Recycling Video (English)

3 Bin Recycling Video (Karen)