Traffic Management Plans

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If you are planning a major construction project, works in the road reserve, or an event that will attract large numbers of participants and disrupt access to roads or normal flow of traffic, you must first submit a Traffic Management Plan (TMP).

The Traffic Management Plan is required to ensure that your work is conducted in a manner that is safe for road users and workers on the road.

You must also have a copy of your Traffic Management Plan on site at all times when workers are present or the event is in progress. 

If traffic management is required on arterial roads or VicRoads roads, your application must be submitted to VicRoads before seeking approval from Council.

VicRoads Consent for Works 

Preparing a Traffic Management Plan

Your plan should include provisions for parking, identify who will be directing traffic, what roads should be closed, and who will close the roads.

TMPs must be prepared by trained industry professionals. 

Contact us

For more information, please contact our customer service team on 03 5391 4444 or email