Make a Request

Help us provide better services to the community by letting us know when there's an issue.

Use our new Submit a Request and Report a Concern forms to alert Council to your issue or provide feedback.

Please be descriptive and provide all your relevant contact details. Your request will be directed to the appropriate business unit for action.

If you are not satisfied with a decision that's been made by Council or Council staff, please follow the Complaints Handling Policy(PDF, 167KB) to escalate your concern.

Accident/Damages Notification Form

Fee Waiver and Reduction Request Form

Please see below Fee Waiver or Reduction Request Form:

Fee Waiver and Reduction Request Form(PDF, 109KB)

In accordance with Council’s Fee Waiver and Reduction Policy(PDF, 309KB), you can use this form to request a reduction to discretionary fee or charge (i.e. a fee or charge that is not required by law or other external body). You must read the Policy before applying. Any decision to waive a fee will consider the following criteria:

Whether -

  • The activity to which the fee or charge applies demonstrates specific benefits to the Hindmarsh Shire community.
  • The activity supports Council’s vision and goals as defined in the Council Plan.
  • The nature of the applicant, e.g., is the applicant a not-for-profit organisation or recognised by the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission.
  • The applicant performing the activity is based in Hindmarsh Shire.
  • The applicant performing the activity provides services/benefits to residents or the wider Hindmarsh Shire community.
  • The scope for waiving the particular fee or charge within the context of departmental budgets, policies, and the broader business activity/market.

A fee waiver will not be considered where the request:

  • Is part of Council (for example, where the activities of one business unit are regulated by a permit issued by another business unit).
  • Is undertaken by a contractor engaged by, and conducting works on behalf of, Council.
  • Is contrary to, or inconsistent with, another Council Policy.
  • Is already supported by Council via a financial or in-kind contribution.
  • Is subject to an existing agreement, including but not limited to Memorandums of Understanding.
  • Is a primary or core service of State or Federal Governments.
  • Duplicates existing Council programs or activities.

The remaining terms, conditions and criteria are available in the Policy.

Make a Request Form - Printable PDF