Register My Animals

Dogs and cats over the age of 3 months must be microchipped and registered with Council. All registered animals will receive a Council tag that allows us to return them home quickly if they become lost.

The Local Laws also enable an authorised officer to monitor the health of animals residing within the Shire and take action if necessary.

All new animal registrations must include a microchip number and must be completed in person at any of our Customer Service Centres.

If the animal being registered is desexed, veterinary proof is required.

Animal registrations are due on 10 April each year. If dog or cat owners fail to register their furry friend, they may be liable for an on-the-spot fine of up to $370.00.

If your pet has lost or destroyed its registration tag, a new one can be purchased at any Shire office for $11.00.

There is a 50% reduction in registration fees on presentation of your pension card.

Owner Responsibilities under Municipal Local Laws

Under Division 5.7 of the Hindmarsh Shire Council Municipal Local Law:

Municipal Local Laws S36 and S37.png  

Register My Animal

All new animal registrations must include a microchip number and must be completed in person at any of our Customer Service Centres.

You can print and prefill a 'New Animal Registration Form' by printing the forms attached below. If you do not have access to a printer, you can collect a form from any of our Customer Service Centres.

New Animal Registration Form - PRINT(PDF, 161KB)

Multiple Animal Permits are required if you have more than two dogs and/or two cats per residential household (or more than one in a flat or unit)
Application for Keeping More than the Prescribed Number of Animals(PDF, 151KB)

Working Dog Definition and Information  

Animal Registration Fees

Animal Registration Fees 2024/25

All fees include GST.


Microchipped (not desexed) $141.00
Microchipped and desexed $49.00
Dogs kept for working (must be approved by Local Laws) $55.00
Dogs kept for breeding under the Domestic Animal Act $55.00
Dogs registered with an Association approved by Council $55.00
Dangerous / Restricted Breed $764.00


Microchipped (not desexed) $114.00
Microchipped and desexed $40.00
Cats kept for breeding under the Domestic Animal Act $43.00
Cats registered with an Association approved by Council $43.00

Pension Concession card holders are eligible for a 50% reduction on the applicable fee; the registration must be in the name of the card holder and a copy of the concession card must be provided when registering the animal.

Find a Lost Animal

If you have lost an escaped animal, it may have been collected by Local Laws Officers.

To advise Council of a lost or missing animal, please contact one of our Customer Service Centres.