Street Collectors and Furniture Permits

Street Furniture Permits

What is street furniture?

Street furniture refers to all moveable advertising signs, A-frame signs, advertising flags, wind barriers, displays of goods, tables and chairs which are placed on a road or road-related area, such as a footpath.

What is a Street Furniture Permit and when do I need to apply for one?

(Hindmarsh Municipal Local Law, Part 9 Division 9.2-9.3)

If you are wanting to display advertising signs, advertising flags, A-frame signs, wind barriers, displays of goods, tables and/or chairs on the footpath in front of your building, a Street Furniture Permit is required to ensure that street furniture does not unreasonably impede, obstruct or hinder the movement of pedestrian traffic along the footpath.

How do I apply for a Street Furniture Permit?

To apply for a Street Furniture Permit, you will need to complete an Application for Street Furniture Permit. Click below to apply:


Street Collectors Permits

What is a Street Collectors Permit and when do I need to apply for one?

(Hindmarsh Municipal Local Law, Part 8)

A person must not, without first obtaining a permit nor otherwise than in accordance with the conditions of any such permit, deal in goods or motor vehicles in or within any:

  • street;
  • vacant land;
  • land which he or she does nor ordinarily occupy; or
  • public place;

within the municipal district.

For example, if you are wanting to sell raffle tickets on a footpath, you will require a Street Collectors Permit.

How do I apply for a Street Collectors Permit?

To apply for a Street Collectors Permit, you will need to complete an Application for Street Collectors Permit. Click below to apply: