Fires and Firewood

Fire Danger Period

What is a Fire Danger Period?

The Fire Danger Period is when Country Fire Authority (CFA) restricts the use of fire in the community. This is to help prevent fires from starting.

 CFA declares the Fire Danger Period for each municipality (shire or council) at different times in the lead up to the fire season. It depends on the amount of rain, grassland curing rate and other local conditions.

The Fire Danger Period may be declared as early as October in some municipalities, and typically remains in place until the fire danger lessens, which could be as late as May.

The Fire Danger Period is NOT the same thing as a Total Fire Ban.

When are Hindmarsh's Fire Danger Periods?

To find out the start and end date of all Fire Danger Periods, you will need to visit CFA's website at

CFA will keep the community up to date with Fire Danger Periods and other important updates via their Facebook page. You can find them at

Firewood Collection

Firewood Collection

Without a permit, a person must not collect wood from the road reserve. To obtain a roadside wood collection permit and make payment, please contact Council on (03) 5391 4444 or

A roadside wood collection permit is only able to be obtained outside the Declared Fire Danger period. The Fire Danger period is declared by the CFA and is subject to weather conditions; this means that the Declared Fire Danger period may differ annually.

These permits allow the holder to collect up to one cubic metre of wood from Council managed road reserves.

PLEASE NOTE that not all roads can be collected from – for a list of roads that you CANNOT collect from, click here.

You are also able to collect firewood for free from a designated collection area within a State Forest. This does not require a permit, however collection is only permitted within the designated area and time period and collection rules and limits apply. For more information, please contact the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning or visit

Lighting a Fire in a Residential Area

Lighting a Fire in a Residential Area

Smoke and ash from open-air burning is becoming less acceptable due to health and amenity concerns. Without a permit obtained from Council, a person must not burn in the open air in a built up, residential or township area.

To obtain a permit, please use the following form: Application to Light a Fire on a Residential Property(PDF, 155KB).

Please note that the use and lighting of incinerators in Hindmarsh is prohibited.

NOTE: Permits will not be issued during a Fire Danger Period as declared by the Country Fire Authority Act 1958.

Burning Off

Burning Off

During a declared Fire Danger Period, a permit must be obtained to light a fire for the purposes of burning off grass or stubble in non-residential areas.

You can obtain a permit to burn from the CFA here: Check. Apply. Notify - Fire Permits Victoria

For further information please contact your local CFA District Office or CFA headquarters on (03) 9262 8444.

Fire Prevention

Fire Prevention

Under Hindmarsh local law, a landowner or occupier must not allow or permit their land to be kept in a manner which is a haven for vermin, noxious weeds, insects or excessive vegetation growth.

Under the Country Fire Authority Act 1958 there is a set process Council is required to follow when a fire hazard is reported on privately owned property. This includes the issuing of fire prevention notices and infringements, and the undertaking of clean-up works under the Local Government Act 2020.

Council proactively undertakes fire prevention property inspections in each town prior to the fire danger season. If you have concerns regarding vegetation on a particular property, you are welcome to contact Council on (03) 5391 4444 to speak to a local laws team member.

For more information about fire prevention, check out this link -