Assessing a lodged Planning Permit Application
What happens to my Planning Permit Application once it has been lodged?
After your Planning Permit application has been lodged, it is allocated to a Planning officer for assessment.
The Planning officer may request further information due to:
- Planning scheme requirements
- Incomplete documentation or information that is missing
- Complexities that need clarifying
If further information is required, the Planning officer will send a request to the person listed as the contact on the application.
Please note: when responding to a Request for Further Information (RFI), the requested documentation should be submitted email or directly at one of our Customer Service Centres.
What do I do if I get a Request for Further Information?
A Request for Further Information will detail what document/s and/or information is missing from the application. If you are unsure about anything, contact the Planning officer before submitting your amendments. It is important that you:
- Follow the process for responding as outlined in your letter
- Supply the information in the format requested
- Consider engaging the support of a Planning Consultant to assist if it is complex
How much time do I have to respond?
If you receive a Request for Further Information, all amendments must be received by the indicated due date; this will generally be between 30 – 60 days from the date the RFI was issued.
Extending the due date:
If you are unable to respond to the RFI by the due date, you must seek an extension of time by submitting a request before the due date.
Application for Extension of Time to Planning Permit(PDF, 367KB)
The implications of not responding by the due date:
If you do not provide all the requested information by the due date, the application will lapse and cannot be progressed further.
You would then need to lodge a new Planning Permit application, including all relevant fees and information.
Current Planning Permit Applications on Notification:
Planning applications currently being advertised are available to view on our website.
Documents are published for the sole purpose of enabling consideration and review as part of a Planning process under the Planning & Environment Act (1987). These documents must not be used for any purposes which may breach any Copyright or Privacy Laws.
Hard copies of any Planning Permit application being advertised can be viewed, by appointment only, at the Nhill Customer Service Centre. Prior to viewing, you will be required to sign a statutory declaration acknowledging that you will not use any of the documents in the advertising material for any purpose that may breach any Copyright or Privacy Laws.
Applications on Public Notification
Public notice (advertising) is required if a Planning application may result in material detriment to another property. The community are entitled to consider a proposal and its impact on them. Anyone can then submit objections or submissions for consideration by Planning officers and Council.
Public notice can take the form of some, or all, of the following:
- Mail-out to surrounding properties
- On-site notice
- Newspaper publication
Please note that if advertising is required an additional fee will apply to cover the costs. This cost can vary depending on the advertising requirements of each application.
All Planning applications on Notification can be found on Council’s website under Planning Permits on Public Notice page.
If you feel a Planning Permit application may negatively impact you, you may lodge an objection with Council.
If you wish to make an objection, you must do so in writing stating the reasons for your objection, including how the proposal would affect you if the permit was granted.
To object to a Planning Permit Application, please submit an application using:
Application to Object to a Planning Permit(PDF, 428KB)
Your submission must also include your name and address, the Planning Permit application number and the address of the proposal.
Please note: that your objection, including your name and residential address, will become a public document for anyone to view. Objections are also provided to the applicant to enable them to assess whether any grounds of objection can be addressed.
After a Planning application has been submitted to Council for assessment, you may find that changes are required.
This is referred to as a 'Section 50' or 'Section 57A' amendment. The type of amendment and associated fee will depend on whether or not the permit application has already been advertised.
- A Section 50 amendment is applied if the application has not been advertised. No fees apply to these applications.
- A Section 57A amendment is applied if the application has already been advertised. Fees apply to these applications.
Application to Amend a Planning Permit(PDF, 347KB)
How to complete an Amendment to Application Form(PDF, 226KB)
Often after a permit is granted, changes to the plans or permit conditions are needed. You are able to apply to Council to amend either of these.
If your changes are minor and relate to the plans (or a small part of a technical report), it might be most suitable to apply for a ‘secondary consent’ amendment. To apply for secondary consent, please complete the application below:
Application for Secondary Consent(PDF, 46KB)
If the changes require permit conditions to be removed or rewritten, or there are more significant changes to the plans, then an amendment to the permit known as a ‘Section 72’ is required.
If you’re unsure on which amendment to your permit is needed, give Council a call to discuss.
Before submitting your application, discuss your proposed changes with the Planner who is assessing your application.
FAQs - Assessing a Planning Permit Application
Proposed amendment/s to an active (undecided) Planning Permit application or active amendment application can be made under section 50 and section 57A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
An amended application may need to be re-referred or re-advertised depending on the amendment. This will extend application assessment times.
If objections are received, you are able to provide a response to the objections or concerns raised or make changes to the proposal.