Request for Property Information - Reg 51

Request for Property Information Application Form:

Property Information Application(PDF, 194KB)

What is a Building Property Enquiry?

A Building Property Enquiry is a way of requesting information, prescribed under Regulation 51 of the Building Regulations 2018, from the relevant Council on a particular address within their municipality.

Information may include, but is not limited to;

  • details of any permits or certificate of final inspection issued in the preceding 10 years;
  • and details of any current determination made under regulation 64(1) or exemption granted under regulation 231(2); and Notice or Order issued by the relevant building surveyor under the Building Act; whether the building or land is in an area that is liable to flooding or is likely to be subject to attack by termites.

If required, please refer to the ‘Building Regulations’ for full details.

Who typically applies for a Building Property Enquiry?

Solicitors or conveyancers acting on behalf of clients who wish to purchase or sell a property are by far the biggest users of this service; however any person can apply for a Property Enquiry.

An applicant should supply a copy of the Certificate of Title, a Plan of Subdivision and, where possible, the Volume and Folio of the address to be researched 

What types of information are available?

The type of information available has been categorised into three options. Typically Option 1 and/or Option 2 are requested. On rare occasions, Option 3 is also sought. Please be advised that due to the nature of the information required, Option 3 can take a significant amount of time and may delay your application. It is recommended an applicant request Options 1 and/or 2 as standard, and Option 3 only if it is a necessity.

Option 1:
  • Details of Building Permits, Occupancy Permits or Certificates of Final Inspection (Not physical copies) covering the previous 10 years
  • Details of statements issued under Reg 64(1) or 231(2)
  • Current Building Notices or Orders
Option 2:

Information on whether a property is in an area:

(i) liable to flooding (Reg 5(2))
(ii) liable to infestation by termites (Reg 150)
(iii) Bushfire attack level has been specified in a planning scheme
(iv) liable to significant snowfalls (Reg 152)
(v) Designated land
(vi) Designated works

Option 3:

Provides details of inspection approval dates of the mandatory notification stages for building work carried out on land or buildings as per (Section 137B – Building Act).