Vacancies in Council Committees

No longer on display. Expired on 31 July 2024, 12:00 PM

Hindmarsh Shire Council has several vacancies in our Advisory Committees. Committees provide Council advice on key issues and projects and drive positive change ensuring in our community. If you care about your town and the people who live and visit there, Council will have a committee for you!  

Hindmarsh Pride Committee
The Hindmarsh Pride Committee aims to strengthen the voice of the LGBTIQ+ community by providing advice to ensure Council’s broader policy issues and Council Plan and programs reflect the interests of the LGBTQI+ community. This includes assisting Council to promote the benefits of diversity and enhance understanding about the barriers to equality facing LGBTIQ+ communities.

Yurunga Homestead Community Asset Committee
Committee members are responsible for the maintenance of the facility, including co-ordinating the roster of volunteers as well as organising, cataloguing, and restoring displays and exhibits. They are also responsible for facilitating activities and events and fundraising for improvements. The Yurunga Homestead was built in 1909 and celebrates Rainbow’s pioneering heritage.

Town Advisory Committees – Rainbow, Jeparit & Nhill
Hindmarsh Shire Council works closely with Advisory Committees to ensure Council remains informed on issues facing their communities. Town Advisory Committees guide us to deliver inclusive services and help develop, implement, and monitor our plans and strategies.

More information on each committee, and our Committee Membership Expression of Interest Form, is available on online at If you have any questions about committee roles, please contact Petra Croot, Director Corporate and Community Services at (03) 5391 4444 or by email at

Monica Revell
Chief Executive Officer