Have Your Say Hindmarsh Community Engagement Opportunities

On display until 11 July 2024, 05:00 PM

At the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 26 June 2024, Hindmarsh Shire Council resolved to give public notice and invite written submissions from the public on the Draft Councillor Expense Entitlements Policy and proposal to enter a lease with the Nhill Neighbourhood House Learning Centre for The Patch, Nhill.

Submissions close 5pm on Thursday 11 July 2024.

Submissions close 5pm on Wednesday 10 July 2024

For more information and/or to make a submission regarding either matter, visit Council’s Have Your Say website at www.haveyoursay.hindmarsh.vic.gov.au.

Alternatively, hard copy submissions can be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and posted or delivered to Hindmarsh Shire Council, PO Box 250, Nhill VIC 3418.

Council will consider submissions and adoption of this policy / lease agreement at the Council Meeting at 3:00pm on Wednesday 24 July 2024 in the Council Chambers, 92 Nelson Street, Nhill.

All enquiries concerning the proposed lease, please contact Laura Sonnberger, Contracts and Procurement Officer, via email to info@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au. All enquiries concerning the draft Councillor Expense Entitlements Policy should be directed to Petra Croot, Director Corporate and Community Services, via email to pcroot@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au. Alternatively, you can call Council by phone at (03) 5391 4444.

Monica Revell
Chief Executive Officer

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