Tender Launched for Davis Park, Nhill Facility Upgrades

Published on 24 May 2024

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New AFL compliant changerooms and under cover tiered spectator seating at Nhill’s Davis Park are a step closer with Hindmarsh Shire Council launching the Tender for Construction of the new facility.

The Tender for construction of the new Grandstand and Change Room Facility will remain open through until 4 July, at which time an evaluation of submissions will be completed. It is hoped Council will be able to award the Tender at its meeting on 24 July, with construction subject to the availability of the successful contractor, to commence shortly after Wimmera League Finals in early September.

Development will take place in the area where the former grandstand was previously located. This will assist in keeping disruptions to a minimum.

Council has also allocated funding of $760,000 through the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program phase 4 and received $250,000 through the Victorian Government’s 2023–2024 Country Football Netball Program. Council will contribute and additional $440,000 and the Nhill and District Sporting Club another $50,000 for the $1.5M project.

Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Brett Ireland, said “the launch of the tender is an exciting step forward for the Davis Park development” and that he is “looking forward to seeing construction getting underway” once the tender is awarded.

Cr Ireland continued “the facility at Davis Park provides a very large portion of our community with social gathering, sporting activities, engaging multiculturalism, diversity and contributes strongly to our shires health and wellbeing,” he concluded.

The success of this grant is a great outcome for the community and very much helps advance the masterplan for the Nhill & District Sporting Cub. This facility is an important part of our Shire and contributes to a healthy, active, and inclusive community.

For more information, please contact Simon Landrigan, Manager Project Management Office on 03 5391 4444 or email slandrigan@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au.

Monica Revell
Chief Executive Officer

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