Round 2 Community Action Grants Program now open

Published on 15 January 2020

Round 2 of Hindmarsh Shire Council’s Community Action Grants program is now open. With funding available across four categories, eligible community groups and organisations are encouraged to submit their applications for financial support for their project or initiative.

Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Rob Gersch said “the Community Action Grants program is a great way for local volunteer and sporting groups to secure financial support for a variety of objectives. In the past we have received requests for all sorts of projects – whether it’s providing an accessible ramp to improve building access or some help purchasing much needed sporting equipment or maybe some assistance with the costs of staging a community event – Council may be able to help your organisation offset the overall cost.”

The Small Equipment category may provide up to $1,000 for the purchase of items such as garden equipment, tools, whitegoods, computers and sports equipment.

Grants of up to $2,000 are available for Minor Facility Upgrades for organisations whose clubrooms are in need of refurbishment. Previously funded projects include access ramps, installation of heating and / or cooling, new flooring and upgrading kitchen facilities.

For organisations looking to stage a public event, the Event Sponsorship stream may provide up to $500 to help with the costs of staging the event. Advertising, catering, hire fees are all eligible costs that funding can support.

For those organisations whose project doesn’t meet any of the criteria above, the Community Assistance category can provide up to $1,000 to help with the completion of a specific project.

Cr Gersch added “If you aren’t sure which category applies to your project, Council staff will be happy to assist community organisations with any queries they may have prior to submitting an application – just give them a call or send an email.” 

Round two of the Community Action Grants Program will close at 5.00pm Friday 13 March 2020. 

Community Action Grant application forms are available on council’s website

For more information please contact Matt Sherwell, Community Development Officer, on 5391 4444 or email

Greg Wood
Chief Executive Officer

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