Public Holiday Arrangements in Lieu of Melbourne Cup Day 2019

Published on 02 August 2019

The Hon Adem Somyurek, Minister for Small Business has granted Hindmarsh Shire Council’s request to substitute days for the 2019 Melbourne Cup Day public holiday in Nhill and Rainbow.

Following the practice of recent years, Hindmarsh Shire Council requested that both Nhill and Rainbow districts be allocated substitute public holidays for their annual agricultural shows, which are both held midweek, in lieu of the Melbourne Cup Day holiday.

In 2019, Nhill and district will receive Thursday 17 October 2019 as a public holiday, coinciding with the Nhill Agricultural and Pastoral (A & P) Society Show Day. Rainbow and district will receive Tuesday 15 October 2019 to celebrate the Rainbow Agricultural A & P Society Show Day.

Dimboola A & P Society Show Day is scheduled for Saturday 19 October 2019, and the Jeparit Show will be celebrated the following day on Sunday 20 October 2019. Dimboola and Jeparit districts will retain Tuesday 5 November 2019 as a public holiday.

“This is a great opportunity for Hindmarsh residents to fully enjoy the experience of their local show, and appreciate the planning and preparation of the respective A & P Societies in each town” says Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Ron Ismay. “It’s great to have the ability to be flexible with the Melbourne Cup public holiday. It allows us to recognise the special days in our own local communities. It’s great to enable the schools and workers from the local towns to be able to have the day off and support their local show”.

Greg Wood
Chief Executive Officer

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