Outcomes of 2019 / 2020 Community Action Grants - Round Two

Published on 21 April 2020

Hindmarsh Shire Council has announced the successful applications from round two of the community action grants for the 2019 / 2020 financial year.

The community action grant program was established in 2013 to support community groups with funds to provide services, self-help and assistance with community development, social action and connectedness.

Hindmarsh Shire Council, Mayor Cr Rob Gersch said “it is always great to receive, assess and where applicable support applications for the community action grants program from community groups located throughout the shire. It was particularly pleasing to see the number and variety of applications received during the difficult conditions we are all currently experiencing”.

“Because of the current COVID-19 pandemic, council has not held a meeting in April, but council still believed it was important to assess applications and award grants. Following a review of all applications by senior council officers, the chief executive officer, Greg Wood has approved recommendations under his council approved delegation’, said Cr Gersch.

Community based organisations to receive funding through round two of the 2019/2020 community action grants include the following.

Community Assistance Category

  • Nhill - Dimboola Band received funding of $1,000 to assist with rental of a venue in Dimboola for two years for rehearsals and storage of equipment, instruments and music sheets etc.

Event Sponsorship Category
These event sponsorship grants will be paid for events if they are held prior to 30 June 2020. Events held after 30 June 2020 will be required to apply for the 2020/21 Community Action Grants Program.

  • Winiam Cemetery Trust received funding of $500 assist with costs to run an event entitled ‘Tales and Tragedies at Winiam Cemetery which will provide an historical account of many of the people who are buried there.
  • Nhill Golf Club was allocated funding of $500 to assist with the running of the gala dinner as part of their annual tournament.

Minor Facilities Upgrade Category

  • Dimboola Outdoor Group – Men’s Shed was allocated $2,000 to assist with the extension of the driveway and footpath to provide easier and safer access to members and visitors.
  • Nhill Aero Club received funding of $1,600 for the purchase and installation of improved and efficient lighting in the hangar at Nhill Aerodrome.
  • St Stephens Lutheran Church, Rainbow received funding of $2,000 to assist with the upgrade of the kitchen at the Rainbow Lutheran Church Hall.
  • Scouts Victoria as the auspice for Harvest Church, Nhill branch will receive $1,661 for the supply and installation of roll up sun block blinds to improve the efficiency of running and comfort levels of people using the former Scout Hall.
  • Dimboola Kindergarten Parent Advisory Group has been allocated funding of $2,000 to assist landscape improvements at the rear of the Dimboola Early Years Centre through the purchase and laying of instant turf.
  • Wurega Aboriginal Corporation will receive funding of $1,000 to upgrade the Wurega Arts & Healing Centre building in Dimboola by installing a small hot water service, replacement of front of building double doors and replacement of a single side entry door with upgraded security and lock features.
  • Rainbow A&P Society have been allocated funding of $2,000 to assist with the supply and installation of new air conditioning systems in the Rainbow Recreation Reserve community pavilion.
  • Detpa Fire Brigade will receive funding of $1,000 to assist with the purchase of a water tank to enable the Detpa tanker to be filled at the station which will replace the need to travel to an external water point to refill. The tank will also enable the brigade to train on site and test equipment at the CFA station.

Small Equipment Category

  • Gallery Central, Nhill will receive funding of $1,000 for the purchase of a refrigerator and vacuum cleaner to assist with maintenance, hygiene and cleanliness at the gallery where local artists and artisans exhibit and sell their art.
  • Woorak and Jeparit Fire Brigades have each been allocated funding of $1,000 to assist with the purchase of Protek branches and adaptors to enhance the firefighting capabilities of the volunteer members of the brigade. Protek branches and adaptors increase efficiencies as they are easier to control and adjust and are a more user friendly fire fighting tool and safer than existing systems.
  • Nhill Town Committee will receive $618 for the purchase of a portable first aid kit, fire extinguisher and fire blanket for use at public events and activities that they hold.
  • Nhill Ambulance Auxiliary will receive funding of $427 for the purchase of two 18 volt electric blowers and one upright vacuum cleaner which can also be used as a hand held vacuum. The electric blowers will be used to clean out the two bay Nhill Ambulance station and the patient transfer station at Nhill Aerodrome while the vacuum will be used to help with the cleaning of ambulances.
  • Lions Club of Nhill has been allocated funding of $1,000 to assist with the purchase of two re-purposed laptop computers and appropriate software to enable compliance with Lions Club International reporting requirements.
  • Dimboola A&P Society will receive funding of $925 to purchase a laptop to enable the Secretary to perform appropriate duties and to create and show schedules, tickets, data, meeting minutes and activities etc as well as the ability to post items on social media and update items on their website.
  • Kenmare Community and Historical Group has been allocated funding of $996 for the purchase and installation of sun block out blinds in the former Kenmare School building. The blinds will enable the Kenmare Community and Historical Group to permanently display restored War Honour Boards and other historic memorabilia.

Cr Gersch added “On behalf of council I extend our congratulations to all successful applicants. It is exciting to support so many worthwhile projects and initiatives to improve community based organisations within the shire”.

“Since Council first introduced the community action grants program in the 2013/2014 financial year, Council has contributed over $170,000 to community based groups and organisations. The value of the grants program across the shire cannot be underestimated and I am confident in saying the total value to the broader Hindmarsh community would be far greater than the funds allocated by council” Cr Gersch said.

A new round of Community Action Grants program will be announced at the start of the 2020/2021 Financial Year.

For more information on Hindmarsh Shire Council’s community action grants programs please contact Matt Sherwell, community development officer, on 03 5391 4443 or email grants@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au .

Greg Wood
Chief Executive Officer

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