Official Openings for Jeparit and Nhill Infrastructure Developments

Published on 29 February 2024

Nhill Cane Ball Court and Jeparit Swimming Hole.png

Hindmarsh Shire Council extends an invitation to all community members to attend the official openings of two important community projects in Jeparit and Nhill on Saturday 16 March 2024.

Dr Anne Webster, Federal Member for Mallee, will officially open the redeveloped Jeparit Riverbank Precinct and the Nhill Cane Ball Court, both having been made possible with funds received through the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) funding program.

Nhill Cane Ball Court
The Nhill Cane Ball Court opening, officiated by Dr Webster, will be from 12.30pm on Saturday 16 March 2024 and will be followed by lunch and cane ball demonstrations.

The court has been constructed at the Nhill Tennis Club and will provide local residents and visitors to the Nhill Karen community with what is believed to be the only purpose-built cane ball court in Western Victoria. Cane ball is a traditional fast-action game where opposing players use their feet to pass a small rattan ball over a net similar in height to a volleyball net that is also known as Chinlone or Sepak Takraw.

Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Brett Ireland said, “We are delighted to deliver this project as a strong showing of our commitment to embracing the strong multiculturalism environment in our shire.”

“I look forward to this becoming a community hub, along with our new tennis club rooms, and look forward to our Karen community hosting other clubs and enjoying this great facility.”

Jeparit Riverbank Precinct Redevelopment
The official opening of the Jeparit Riverbank Precinct will occur at 4.30pm on Saturday 16 March 2024 and will be followed by a free community BBQ and free community concert featuring popular Wimmera based band ‘No Plans’.

The Jeparit Riverbank Precinct redevelopment has included the demolition of the original bank erosion control retaining wall and construction of a new wall incorporating a river viewing deck and access steps to the river.

Additional infrastructure has included the construction and installation of a new camp kitchen with electric BBQ’s and picnic settings along with a new amenities’ building including all-abilities bathroom, cubicles, and a shower. The area located adjacent to the Jeparit Caravan Park and Tennis Club has been extensively landscaped with automatic sprinkler systems and instant turf.

Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Brett Ireland said, “To say I am excited about the outcome of this project would be an understatement. Council staff and councillors are duly proud of this achievement, so much so, I have recommended we enter this project into a rural project of the year category at the upcoming National General Assembly in Canberra in July.

This will be a facility to be enjoyed through the generations and I have only heard positive comments about it.”

“We are grateful as a shire to acknowledge the LRCI grant funding made available to both projects. This funding is vital to our ability to undertake beneficial community and road projects in our Shire,” he concluded.

We look forward to seeing you at these events!

For more information, please contact Phil King, Manager Economic and Community Development on 03 5391 4444 or email

Monica Revell
Acting Chief Executive Officer

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