Nhill Awarded Tiny Towns Funding for new Off Leash Dog Park

Published on 08 July 2024


Development of a new Off Leash Dog Park in Nhill will commence soon, with Hindmarsh Shire Council successfully receiving funding for the project through the Victorian Government’s first round of Tiny Towns funding.

The new park, estimated to be approximately 1000m², will be located in the Nhill Lawn Tennis Club precinct in Whitehead Avenue, Nhill. It will feature a water station, dog bag dispenser and rubbish bins.

The new park will also provide bench seating for owners to take a break from chasing after their dog. Dog Parks have been shown to provide important community social connections for those that visit so sharing a seat with a fellow dog owner is a great place to strike up a conversation.

To ensure the safety of all visitors, the park will be fully enclosed with a 1.5m high chain mesh fence and access will be via a double gated system. This will reduce the risk of dogs within the park exiting, whilst others are entering.

Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Brett Ireland, said “this is great news for our local community looking for a safe, secure space to exercise their dogs”, adding “it will also be of benefit for highway travellers looking to break their trip and exercise their dogs too. These travellers are likely to stop and grab a coffee or a bite to eat on the way to the park so it will also benefit the local economy as well.”

This project has been made possible with funding from the Victorian Government’s Tiny Towns program, Hindmarsh Shire Council and Nhill Town Committee.

If you would like further information regarding this project, please contact Simon Landrigan, Manager Project Management Office on 03 5391 4444 or email slandrigan@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au.

Monica Revell
Chief Executive Officer

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