Minister to turn first sod on new Dimboola Library

Published on 07 May 2019

Residents of Dimboola and district are invited to witness the turning of the first sod of the new Dimboola Library by the Honourable Adem Somyurek, Minister for Local Government. Minister Somyurek will perform the sod turning ceremony at 1:15pm on Thursday 16 May in the rear car park of the Dimboola Library.

Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Ron Ismay said, “Now that Council has awarded the contract for the construction of the new Dimboola Library, the turning of the first sod is always an exciting time”.

Cr Ismay added, “I encourage residents of Dimboola and district to attend the sod turning ceremony on Thursday as plans and images of the new building will also be on display”.

Works to construct the new Dimboola Library are anticipated to commence mid-year with the expected completion date being March or April 2020. The new building will increase the overall available floor space providing a multi-purpose and versatile facility that will include a modern and welcoming library and Council Customer Service Centre, meeting and exhibitions spaces.

Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Ron Ismay said “This is an exciting project, not just for Dimboola residents but for the entire Shire. Modern libraries are becoming more than buildings that just have books on shelves that you can borrow, they are becoming community hubs and places where residents can go to read the newspaper, catch up with friends, use the public internet or indeed borrow a book”.

The new library is stage one of a multi staged project on the site and is being built with funding obtained from the Victorian Government’s Living Libraries Infrastructure Program and Hindmarsh Shire Council.

“The new library building and establishment of the landscaped area behind the existing library will provide a fantastic link between Dimboola’s business area and the Nine Creeks Reserve which will be the commencement of the Wimmera River Discovery Trail” said Cr Ismay.

For more information, please contact Greg Wood, Chief Executive Officer, on 03 5391 4444 or 0417 153 749 or

Greg Wood
Chief Executive Officer

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