Illegal asbestos and hazardous substance dumping within Hindmarsh
Published on 27 November 2023
The community has an important role to play in reporting pollution, environmental hazards and other activities that are potentially harmful to the health of our community and environment.
Although asbestos is widely known as a dangerous substance, illegal transport and dumping of asbestos is increasing across Hindmarsh. Council is responsible for the costly clean up involved in dealing with materials, including asbestos, that have been dumped in public areas, roadsides and on Crown Land. With the increase in asbestos dumped within our community, Council is diverting significant resources that could otherwise be used on priority community projects to manage this dangerous waste.
Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Brett Ireland said, “the dumping of waste products within our community has significant effects. Even general household rubbish being illegally dumped is a bad look for visitors to our towns. Asbestos and chemical waste are particularly hazardous to our health and have long term implications.”
“Whilst I appreciate there may be a significant cost in its removal, I urge people to contact council or relative authorities and see whether we can work through a solution,” he concluded.
An Environmental Health Officer, with the assistance of Local Laws, will investigate any dumped asbestos materials. Council and the Environmental Protection Authority have prosecution powers under the Environment Protection Act 1970 if they identify those responsible for dumping the material.
For more information on asbestos visit
Help keep the community safe and ensure that Council’s resources are used for community projects and infrastructure by disposing of asbestos appropriately and reporting any dump sites to our staff.
For more information, please contact Michelle Stewart, Environmental Health Officer, on 03 5391 4444 or email
Monica Revell
Acting Chief Executive Officer