Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council 90s Disco
Published on 02 May 2024
Hindmarsh Shire Youth Councillors are excited to roll out the first of many fun discos for the year, with the first theme being ‘90s Disco’. This youth focused FReeZa event encourages young people to come along to enjoy what it would have been like to attend a disco in the 90s. Attendees are encouraged to come along in 90s inspired outfits as a celebration of all that this era offered.
Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council will be hosting this ‘da bomb’ event at the Dimboola Memorial Secondary College Hall on Friday 31 May 2024 from 6:30pm – 9:30pm.
Return buses will be provided from Nhill, Rainbow, and Jeparit to Dimboola on the night. Please ensure you register by 5:00pm on 29 May 2024 to guarantee a spot on the bus or else you’ll be ‘totally buggin’.
There will be no pass outs and as always FReeZA events are supervised, drug, alcohol, smoke and vape free events. This event is for ages 12+.
This disco is for everyone to have a great time and to enjoy great music, food, chillaxing and to RAISE THE ROOF.
Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Brett Ireland said, “our Youth Councillors continue to organise fantastic events for our communities, on top of dealing with important issues confronting our youth today such as connectivity, mental health and social implications of living remotely.”
Cr Ireland continued “I believe we had around 120 attendees at our last event which is exceeding all expectations. Congratulations to everybody involved and I’m sure this event will be another hit with our Youth.”
To register, scan the QR code below, or visit: https://form.jotform.com/241077924746868.

For more information, please contact Community Development and Youth Officer on 03 5391 4444 or email youth@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au.
Monica Revell
Chief Executive Officer