Hindmarsh Shire Libraries

Published on 21 May 2020

The introduction of new library services for Hindmarsh Shire is gathering momentum as the transition from the Wimmera Regional Library Corporation approaches.

Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Rob Gersch said “With works well underway on the new Dimboola library, July 2020 is looking like being a very exciting time for libraries within the shire”.

“The COVID-19 Pandemic has created uncertainty and anxiety amongst our community, region and beyond but at this stage we have come out of it relatively unscathed and the new construction at Dimboola and the establishment of new library services is providing a level of anticipation and confidence”, added Cr Gersch.

Hindmarsh Shire library coordinator Whitney Kingston said “We are working on being able to provide a service that is safe, efficient and of course convenient for residents in all of our communities. New services are planned for Rainbow and Jeparit. Further details will be released in the near future”.

“Nhill Library will continue to provide Nhill and district residents with the same service they have become accustomed to” added Whitney.

Cr Gersch said, “It is a very exciting time to be involved in the creation of a new library service that is unique, adaptive and individualised to our own community. Hindmarsh Shire Libraries is your library service”.

Hindmarsh Shire Libraries are members of Libraries Victoria (formerly Swift Consortium) which means customers will still be able to borrow from libraries across Victoria, including from the Wimmera Regional Library Corporation. 

Hindmarsh Shire residents who are current cardholders of Wimmera Regional Library Corporation can keep their membership, or change to Hindmarsh Shire Libraries or keep both.

Ms Kingston said “Hindmarsh Shire Libraries will have access to many of the e-resources our customers are already familiar with, but we are aiming to provide more tailored choices and broader selections to reflect the needs of the residents and communities in the shire”.

Events such as school holidays activities (current COVID situation allowing), story time sessions, authors and artists visits and workshops will also continue as they have in the past.

Hindmarsh Shire Libraries will provide a home service, have institutional memberships and work with local schools and kindergartens to help create links to lifelong literacy and learning.

Cr Gersch concluded “Hindmarsh Shire Libraries is committed to making the transition to the new library services as easy as possible and we welcome all residents and visitors to become members of your local library service.

For more information, please contact Monica Revell, Director Corporate and Community Services, on 03 5391 4444 or email mrevell@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au.

Greg Wood
Chief Executive Officer

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