Hindmarsh Shire Council Youth Award Presented at Nhill A&P Society Mee
Published on 09 July 2019
Jessica Pilgrim is the most recent of Nhill’s outstanding youth to be presented with a Hindmarsh Shire Youth Award.
Hindmarsh Shire Councillor, Cr Rob Gersch, presented the award to Jessica at the Nhill A & P Society meeting held on Tuesday 2 July 2019.
Cr Gersch said “Jessica joined the Nhill A & P Society in 2018 and is now a Junior Vice President.
She was instrumental in organising the Young Farmers Challenge at the 2018 Nhill Show and assisted with running the Rural Ambassador Awards”.
“Jessica was the driving force behind re-establishing the Nhill and District Young Farmers after a recess of over 25 years. The Club now boasts a membership of around 50 young farmers. As President of the Young Farmers, Jessica has been able to instil some of her passion and enthusiasm into the group and they now collectively address many issues facing young farmers in our district” added Cr Gersch.
Jessica was also awarded the 2019 Young Volunteer Award at the 2019 Volunteering Recognition Awards, held at the Horsham Town Hall on Friday 17 May 2019.
The Hindmarsh Shire Youth Awards were originally planned to be held earlier in the year but unfortunately they were not able to proceed. Hindmarsh Shire Council still believed it was
important to acknowledge the young people who were nominated across a range of different categories and continued with the awards but in a different way to what was originally planned.
Cr Gersch again congratulated Jessica on her outstanding efforts in supporting the Nhill A&P Society, Nhill Show, Nhill and District Young Farmers and probably many other organisations that have not been mentioned. Cr Gersch concluded “What an amazing achievement for an amazing young person.”
For more information, please contact Phil King, Manager Economic and Community Development, on 03 5391 4444 or email pking@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au.
Greg Wood
Chief Executive Officer