Drop-in Sessions Proposed changes to Council Customer Service Centres
Published on 26 August 2019
Hindmarsh Shire Council is pleased to invite residents of Jeparit and Rainbow to attend drop-in information sessions in each town to learn more about Councils proposed plans to establish new Customer Service Centres and Libraries in Jeparit and Rainbow.
The drop-in information sessions will be held on Wednesday 4 September in Rainbow from 9:30am until 12:30pm at Council’s Customer Service Centre and 1:30pm until 4:00pm in Jeparit in the office adjacent to the Customer Service Centre at the Jeparit Memorial Hall.
Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Ron Ismay said “The drop-in information sessions will provide residents of both Jeparit and Rainbow with an opportunity to view the proposed plans for the new and refurbished facilities and to gain an understanding on why Council is establishing joint Customer Service Centres and Libraries”.
“I encourage residents to visit the drop-in information sessions at any time to discuss and learn about Council’s proposed plans”, added Cr Ismay.
For further information, please contact Phil King, Manager Economic and Community Development on 03 5391 4444 or via email pking@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au.
Greg Wood
Chief Executive Officer