Advisory Committee Membership Applications

Published on 24 March 2025

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Are you a community minded person with great ideas for improving Hindmarsh Shire? We are seeking expressions of interest from the community to join the following Advisory Committees for a 2-year term from July 2025 – June 2027:

  • Nhill Township Advisory Committee
  • Jeparit Township Advisory Committee
  • Rainbow Township Advisory Committee
  • Hindmarsh Pride Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Township Committees is to:

  • provide leadership in the promotion of Nhill / Jeparit / Rainbow and district, the improvement of the community’s livability and its economic development, liaising with sporting clubs, community organisations and businesses to identify and help coordinate any such opportunities;
  • advise Council of necessary service delivery and infrastructure improvements in its community, and to prioritise such requests and submit them in early December of each year for consideration in Council’s budget;
  • provide a means of effective and efficient communication between Council and the community;
  • provide feedback and comments on matters referred by Council or other matters brought to the Committee’s attention;
  • facilitate local activities and events, including welcome functions for new residents; and
  • provide advice to Council as to how the funds of the Town Committee are expended.

The purpose of the Hindmarsh Pride Committee is to:

  • Provide a representative sample of independent and authentic voices of people from the LGBTIQ+ community, with an ability to advise on current and emerging issues and priorities;
  • Provide feedback and advice to Council on broader policy issues;
  • Promote and assist Council to celebrate LGBTIQ+ days of significance and host events within Hindmarsh Shire;
  • Assist Council to promote the benefits of diversity and enhance understanding about the barriers to equality facing LGBTIQ+ communities; and
  • Report to Council via the tabling of minutes at Council meetings after each meeting.

If this is something you are interested in, please scan the QR code or visit to complete an application form and for further information. If you would like a hard copy of the application form, these can be collected at any Library and Customer Service Centre across the Shire. 

Council Committees Website QR Code.png

Applications are due to Council by 11:59pm on Friday 11 April 2025. Council will make the final appointments to these Committees at its meeting on Wednesday 7 May 2025.

For more information contact Janelle Reichelt, Manager People and Performance, at or via phone on (03) 5391 4444.

Monica Revell
Chief Executive Officer