2024 Local Council Elections

Published on 13 June 2024

MAV stand for council.png

Victorian local council elections will be held on 26 October 2024 via postal vote. Elections are held every four years to provide residents, businesses, property owners and entitled representatives of companies the opportunity to choose who is on Hindmarsh Shire Council.

This is your opportunity to both have your say on Councillor representatives from each ward (North, West, and East Wards), but also to consider whether you’d like to make a difference in your community by nominating yourself to run for Council.

The election process is managed by the Victorian Electoral Commission, but Hindmarsh Shire Council has published a guide that provides you with information on running for Council and what the role of a Councillor looks like in our community. If you are thinking of becoming a candidate for the elections, you must be an Australian citizen, aged 18 years or older, be enrolled to vote in Hindmarsh Shire Council and have completed the Local Government candidate training. More information on eligibility and training is available at www.vec.vic.gov.au/candidates-and-parties/becoming-a-local-council-candidate.

In partnership with Victorian councils, the Municipal Association of Victoria is delivering a number of information sessions for the community and prospective candidates – the MAV Stand for Council Program. These sessions can be attended either in-person or online. By attending one of these sessions, participants will be provided with information about:

  • Local government and the important role councils play for our local communities
  • The role and responsibility of a Councillor, Mayor, Deputy Mayor and CEO
  • The election process and candidate requirements
  • What newly elected Councillors can expect soon after the elections
  • Councillor training and development opportunities

The MAV Stand for Council Program will take place at Nhill Memorial Community Centre on Wednesday 14 August 2024 from 6pm. You must register and can do so by visiting the events section of Council’s website at www.hindmarsh.vic.gov.au/MAV-Stand-for-Council.

For more information, visit Hindmarsh Shire Council’s website at www.hindmarsh.vic.gov.au/2024-Council-Elections or the VEC website at www.vec.vic.gov.au/voting/types-of-elections/local-council-elections.

Whether you vote in the election or become a candidate, we look forward to your contribution in shaping the future of Hindmarsh Shire!

For more information, please contact Petra Croot, Director Corporate and Community Services on 03 5391 4444, or email pcroot@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au.

Monica Revell
Chief Executive Officer

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