Hindmarsh Round Two Community Action Grants Awarded

Published on 07 March 2022

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At its meeting on Wednesday 2 March 2022, Hindmarsh Shire Council awarded local community organisations grants from the second round of the Community Action Grants program for the 2021/2022 financial year. The Community Action Grants program consists of three categories; Small Equipment allows community organisations to apply for up to $1,000 for the purchase of items and equipment, Events allows up to $500 for the running of community events, and Community Assistance offers up to $1000 for needs not covered in the first two categories.

Council will provide funding to thirteen local community groups totaling $11,602.81 across two of the three categories.

Community Assistance recipients included:

  • RSL Nhill for a display cabinet for their Anzac Day Poppy Mannequin. The display case will be built by the Nhill Men’s Shed group.
  • Dimboola Bowling Club for purchase of new bench seating for the club. The bench seating will provide extra seating alongside the greens and will be of particular benefit to aging members of the club.
  • Winiam Hall Inc. for painting the main hall room of Winiam Hall. The hall will be painted professionally by a local painting business.

Small Equipment recipients were:

  • Gallery Central, Nhill for a laptop computer for staff administrative use and for the promotion of the gallery on websites and social media.
  • Rainbow Rises Events Association Inc. for the purchase of a laptop and printer for members of the association to use.
  • St. John’s Lutheran Church, Pella for a new public address system.
  • Nhill Urban Fire Brigade for driving lights for their 4.4C Tanker and Brigade Support Vehicle.
  • Rainbow Men’s Shed for a new table saw which will be very useful in the completion of a number of community projects the club has planned.
  • Nhill Bowling Club for the replacement of rink numbers and the purchase of ditch markers for the club facility.
  • Rainbow Recreation Reserve Committee of Management for crockery and cutlery for the facility.
  • Rainbow Innovation Centre for materials needed to build pipe instruments which will be used for therapeutic workshops at the centre.
  • St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, Rainbow for new soup kettles and mugs.
  • Hindmarsh Ski Club, Jeparit for portable shade cloths.

Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Melanie Albrecht said, “Congratulations to all the successful community groups. The interest in round two was high and Council is proud to be able to assist these very worthy organisations.”

For more information, please contact Matt Sherwell, Community Development Officer, on 03 5391 4444 or email grants@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au.

Greg Wood
Chief Executive Officer