Councillor Column - Cr Wendy Bywaters
Published on 26 April 2022
Hello and welcome to my first Councillor Column, a new addition we are including in our fortnightly newsletters.
As I write this article, many of us are putting finishing touches to the Wimmera's first steampunk festival, and by the time this newsletter is published, you will be the judge of the success of Dimboola's magical weekend. I hope all who attended had a fabulous time.
After two years of lockdowns and COVID restrictions, it is wonderful to be able to bring people together again and enjoy what we have locally. So much love and work has gone into this festival, and I would like to thank all volunteers involved in the lead up to the event and those that will be working during the festivities. I can't wait.
It has been sixteen months since I had the honour of being elected as a Councillor for Hindmarsh. Many of these months, while rewarding, have also been a challenge. I'm sure many of us are challenged juggling our work, family, and community commitments.
I am reminded of a lesson I learnt during the Wimmera Development Association’s business leaders program, that we all have 24 hours in a day. As simple as it is, it is up to us what we do with that time. I choose to do a lot with my time, because life is short, and I have a lot to fit in.
For me, local government is more about community than it is about politics. I was elected to represent you, the people of Hindmarsh, and I will do that to the best of my abilities.
I am a change maker and believe that change, for the better, is the only way our communities will thrive. If we stand still, we are already going backwards.
When it comes to rubbish, we need to continue minimising waste, by thinking before we buy, reusing and recycling what we can. ♻️
We need to move with the times and plan for the future. Life is better if we aren't discriminatory, the culture of doing no harm should prevail … and we need more art, music, and fun.
My role as a Councillor is to participate in the decision-making of the Hindmarsh Shire Council, with critical thinking to solve complex problems.
I am helping co-create the future of the Council through the development and review of the Council Plan, among other important documents too.
Considering the diversity of interests and needs of the Hindmarsh community is especially important in my role, and I am here to represent all citizens in Council's decision-making.
Good governance is imperative. Good governance is not about making the “right decisions”, it is having the proper processes and policies in place for the decisions to be made.
There is no doubt that during our community consultation’s last month, roads were high on people's agenda. Living in a farming community, we need to transport our food and fibre safety to market.
With rates making up only 40% of Council's income, Federal and State grants are imperative to run the business.
The latest Local Government Act 2020 is very clear about community consultations, as your feedback underpins genuine community development.
Hindmarsh Shire Council is committed to actively listening to our residents and ratepayers, and I know you have heard this before, but please give us a chance to show you this is what we want to do. Talk to us about the differences between Councillors and Council staff, what we can do and what we can advocate for.
We have received several enquiries regarding large trucks in the town of Dimboola. Council staff investigations have found that late last year some trucks were granted permits by the Department of Transport. The policy has since changed and no new permits will be issued, however, there are some trucks legally able to drive on certain roads in the town of Dimboola. Any inquiries should be directed to the Department of Transport.
The Victoria Street Nhill Proposal is looking at turning the dual-carriageway in Victoria Street Nhill into a one lane road, both Adelaide and Melbourne bound.
The rationale behind the proposal is to make it safer for pedestrians when crossing one lane of motor transport instead of the two side by side lanes. This will also create more room for road users to get in and out of parallel parks on both sides of Victoria Street.
If you have any questions or would like to see a hard copy of the self-explanatory map, please contact a Council customer service office. Feedback will be open until 5pm Friday, 29 April 2022.
Many positive comments have come about the Hindmarsh school holiday program. Thanks to Council staff and Youth Council, Hindmarsh Landcare, and everyone involved for running these programs.
Many thanks to the families and young people for attending, I hope fun was had, you are important. The Council can't run these events without you.
Students are back to school now, stay mindful that school crossings will be in operation, and school zone speed limits are in place to keep our kids safe.
Until next time, stay safe and be kind to each other.
Cr Wendy Bywaters
Councillor - East Ward