Mayoral Matters September 2021

Published on 03 September 2021

Last month I used this column to congratulate Lucy Stephan on her Tokyo gold medal win.

Our Shire and the Nhill and district community since then, have given Lucy an official welcome home, can I say, Lucy speaks as well as she rows. She gave all in attendance and on video link a great insight into her journey to ultimate success. Several people in the hall encouraged her to take up public speaking, I wholeheartedly support their view.

I had great pleasure in presiding over three citizenship ceremonies in our shire in August, two in Dimboola and one in Nhill which was held virtually. Congratulations to all three on becoming Australian citizens.

Dr Anne Webster was assisted by myself to turn the first sod for the new Albacutya Bridge which I believe will begin construction in the very near future.

Also in Rainbow, the concrete slab has been poured for the new customer service / library in Federal St, with construction starting in the next week or so. The new tower on the old pub site in Dimboola, from what I can see from the photos on social media, looks absolutely amazing and such a great replica of the original landmark building. Congratulations to all involved, I look forward to seeing it in real life when we get past all these lovely lockdowns.

Funding has been recently announced from the Department of Transport for roadworks on the Dimboola-Rainbow road and the Nhill-Jeparit Road which will be widened to cater for the heavy truck traffic. Long overdue but certainly welcomed.

Finally, as I wrote this column today, the farming community received much needed steady rain, I am not sure of quantities but I am sure they will all sleep well tonight.

Enjoy your day.

Cr Ron Ismay
