Mayoral Matters July 2021

Published on 09 July 2021

Well, the twenty second of June has passed. I always look forward to the day as I know the days are going to get warmer and longer, unfortunately it takes a while to evolve. The rains, while very welcome, have been on the lean side in some areas.

COVID-19, something we would all like to wish away, remains a dominant force in communities and states/provinces world-wide. Our Shire facilitated a COVID presentation with Dr. Robert Grenfell who now works with the CSIRO, his clear message was, get vaccinated, don't worry about which brand, getting the virus by far outweighs any other risk. He had all the information/statistics to back up his comments.

Dr. Anne Webster officially opened the Dimboola Community Civic Hub, a wonderful refurbished building dating back to the 1870's, linked to the new library, it will serve the town well.

Council approved a planning permit for new buildings at the Nhill Lutheran School recently, a very exciting project and great to see positive progress.

Council is also entering into a lease for 13 Bow St Rainbow, site of Llew schilling's silo.

Jeparit swimming hole project is getting very close to reality and will be the beginning of a fantastic tourism precinct.

A funding application for permanent infrastructure at the Rainbow Desert Enduro site, an event that has now become three events, two of which are National events. The committee intends to grow the site as a diverse motorsport and training facility.

All in all, our Shire is experiencing a pleasing period of progress.

Enjoy your day.

Cr Ron Ismay
