Mayoral Matters August 2021

Published on 06 August 2021

What a great outcome for Lucy Stephan, her family, the Nhill community and the Hindmarsh Shire. Congratulations Lucy, you have done so well to bring home a Gold Medal, from what I saw of the event it looked like it would have been similar to winning a grand final by a point. So close, I am sure your family would have all been on the very front edge of their seats. Well done!

Not quite as exciting, the Shire have received a grant of $650,000 for cabins for all four towns with another similar grant pending. Great upgrades especially for Jeparit and Rainbow. This will be Rainbows first cabin. Along with the power improvements and new netball change rooms also servicing the park things are beginning to take shape.

Council approved four planning permits during the week, a three-unit dwelling in Rockley St and an ancillary restaurant at a motel in Nhill. A permit was issued to Dimboola Art Inc. for the old Dimboola hotel site, which I believe, will be a great new asset for the town.

A draft Council plan was approved which will go out for public consultation from Monday 9 August to Friday 10 September 2021.

Winter rains have been exceptionally well received in our region, never gets too wet in the Mallee as they say.

Lock downs, good grief, another week!!! Somehow our governments of all persuasions need to unite and get the vaccination program rolled out as their main priority. Our younger generations need to get themselves immunised also; I have certainly spoken with both of my children, in their twenty's, as they are vulnerable also. This new variant is not just picking off us "Oldies".

The massive disruptions to communities and businesses desperately needs to be addressed.

 We will get past this in time but we must be united.

Cr Ron Ismay
