Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council 2022 Nominations Open
Published on 11 October 2021
Are you enthusiastic about your friends and community? Do you have great ideas, enjoy working with others and want to help and make a difference in your community? Then this is the right opportunity for you! Hindmarsh Shire Council is excited to announce that nominations for the 2022 Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council are now open.
Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr. Ron Ismay said "It’s time for our young people to get back into the community, and to enjoy spending time together planning social and practical events. Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council is an excellent opportunity for young people to be involved in identifying and responding to youth issues and to take ownership over the projects and ideas that they are passionate about.”
“The previous two years have looked a little different for everyone due to COVID-19, but with our community vaccination rates high, now is the perfect time for enthusiastic young people to step up and work towards reconnection. We are pleased to extend this opportunity to young people aged between 12 and 25 years who are ready to build confidence and practice their leadership skills.”
Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council works to put together FreeZA events such as live music events, movie nights, pool parties, skate competitions and practical training opportunities. They also work on community projects like murals and mental health awareness. The Youth Council makes sure that young people get to have their say in what goes on in Hindmarsh Shire.
Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council was established in May 2015 and comprises of 12 members with four from each Council ward, plus the recipient of Hindmarsh Shire Council’s Youth of the Year. All Youth Council applicants must live, work or attend school within the Hindmarsh Shire municipality. The 2022 Hindmarsh Shire Council Youth of the Year recipient will automatically be given the opportunity to become a part of the Youth Council.
Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr. Ron Ismay said “Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council is committed to being inclusive and representative of our diverse young people. It’s a great place to connect with young people from other towns, and with different experiences and backgrounds.”
Applications for the 2022 Hindmarsh Shire Youth council close at 5:00pm on Friday 5 November 2021. Once we’re received your application, a selection panel of Hindmarsh Shire Councillors from each ward will assess and shortlist applications before conducting interviews.
Hindmarsh Shire Youth Councillors will be presented with their certificates and badges in early 2022, and will attend a Leadership Retreat on the weekend of 11-13 February 2022.
Application forms, information brochures and consent forms can be downloaded from Council's website at www.hindmarsh.vic.gov.au/our-youth-councillors or in our Facebook to find the required links.
For more information please contact Hindmarsh Shire Council Youth and Community Development Officer, Petra Croot on 5391 4444 or email youth@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au.
The Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council is currently supported by funding from Hindmarsh Shire Council and the State Government’s FReeZA funding which encourages youth to engage with art, culture and music, as well as developing leadership and practical skills.
Monica Revell
Acting Chief Executive Officer