Hindmarsh Annual Statutory Meeting 2021

Published on 11 November 2021

Hindmarsh Shire Council held its Annual Statutory Meeting last night, Wednesday 10 November 2021, in person, at the Nhill Memorial Community Centre. At this meeting, Councillors elected the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to represent Hindmarsh Shire for the next 12 months.

Congratulations to Cr Melanie Albrecht who was elected Mayor by her fellow Councillors.

Cr Albrecht responded, saying “I am honoured to be elected Mayor of Hindmarsh for the next 12 months. Thank you to Cr Ismay for his term as Mayor and his support of me whilst Deputy Mayor.”

She continued, “Hindmarsh is a great place to live, work and visit but our rural setting and small population numbers can present challenges. In my new role as Mayor, I am committed to being a passionate advocate for Hindmarsh in state and federal forums, seeking support to address the challenges our rural communities face.”

“Hindmarsh has been home for nearly all my life and a place I am proud to raise my family. My leadership will focus on the future of Hindmarsh to identify opportunities to strengthen our communities.”

“I want to continue to work closely with the community and advocate for positive change in the Mayoral role.”

“As restrictions continue to ease, I look forward to Hindmarsh businesses thriving in the year ahead.”

Following the election of the Mayor, the election of the Deputy Mayor was conducted where Cr Brett Ireland was elected for the next 12 months. Congratulations Cr Ireland.

Council also appointed delegates to Council’s advisory committees and community asset committees, as well as external organisations. If you missed out on attending this meeting, a recording of this meeting can be found on the Hindmarsh Shire Council Facebook page at www.facebook.com/hindmarsshirecouncil.

Greg Wood

Chief Executive Officer