Temperature Testing for Hindmarsh Visitors
Published on 29 June 2020
Hindmarsh Shire Council has secured thermometers from the State Government to temperature test visitors to ensure our businesses, staff and community stays COVID-19 free.
Visitors to key businesses and attractions within Hindmarsh will be required to have their temperature tested prior to entering our caravan parks, tourist attractions, and council buildings.
Hindmarsh Shire Mayor Cr Rob Gersch said “Keeping our communities safe is important. One of the symptoms of coronavirus is fever.” He continued “We are asking anyone who is not well to stay home these school holidays.”
Council will roll out the thermometers over the coming days to caravan parks, Wimmera Mallee Pioneer Museum, Yurunga Homestead, libraries, council’s customer service centres, and Nhill cinema.
Cr Gersch said “When indoor events resume anyone attending will be required to have their temperature tested and will not be able to attend if they present with a high temperature.”
For more information, please contact Monica Revell, Director Corporate and Community Services, on 03 5391 4444 or email mrevell@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au.
Greg Wood
Chief Executive Officer