Mayoral Matters December 2020
Published on 18 December 2020
2020, almost over and can't come too soon for some. A year that will be reflected on for generations, hopefully we have seen the worst of it, however the outbreak in NSW is a grim reminder of how easily COVID-19 can re-emerge.
There is light at the end of the tunnel and it isn't the train coming, our State and Federal Governments' are rolling out funding in eye watering proportions, all of which will have to be paid for somewhere down the track of course but our Shire and the North West region need to grasp every opportunity that presents itself. Having said that, it is also imperative that any and all funding is invested in projects that will be long term assets for future generations.
Wimmera Mallee Tourism have some great projects about to commence in the new year which will, I believe, bring much needed "foreign" dollars to our region, it is a bit of "watch this space" at the moment.
Harvest for our farmers, is or about to be completed and has been from what I have heard around the traps, another successful and rewarding season. We will be conducting farmer/community consultations in the new year and hope to address some of the issues that are becoming a concern for all our road users i.e.: A/B double routes, tree clearing, safety etc.
Mobile black spots still plague us in some areas which need to be lobbied for also.
I wish my fellow Councillors, CEO, Staff and every one of our residents a safe and merry Christmas and look excitedly towards 2021, it will be a great year in a vast variety of ways.
Cr Ronald Ismay