Australia Day Award Recipients
Published on 26 January 2019
Australia Day started early in Hindmarsh Shire, commencing with a BBQ breakfast in Rainbow at 7:30am, followed by ceremonies in Jeparit, Dimboola, and finally Nhill.
Hindmarsh Shire’s Ambassador, Alice Pung, provided an informative and interactive address to the audience at each of the ceremonies where she was warmly welcomed by local residents.
Following presentations of local community Australia Day Awards at Jeparit and Dimboola, the recipients of Hindmarsh Shire Council’s Australia Day Awards for Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, and Community Event of the Year were announced by Mayor, Cr Ron Ismay.
Since relocating to Nhill in 2000, Annette has become a passionate resident and has had an immeasurable impact on the broader community of Nhill and District.
Annette was appointed Executive Officer of Nhill Neighborhood House Learning Centre in 2014 and since then has overseen the organisation to become one of the region’s leading community education service providers
During Annette’s tenure as Executive Officer, Nhill Neighborhood House Learning Centre has received recognition by being the recipient of numerous State and Regional awards.
In 2018 Nhill Neighborhood House Learning Centre was a finalist in the Wimmera Business Awards – Best Community Service Organisation category while Paw Po was the recipient of the Best New Business Award.
In 2008 Annette was instrumental in the establishment of the Nhill Men’s Shed and has continued to be a strong advocate for the organisation.
Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Cr Ron Ismay said “In addition to all the other work Annette has done during her time in Nhill, her passion for Nhill and the region’s Karen community has stood out. She has established Nhill Neighborhood House Learning Centre as a leading service provider through language classes (English and Karen), settlement services, the establishment of Paw Po for the Karen women and more recently The Patch through the Growing Hindmarsh Together project”.
Cr Ismay added, “Annette was the driving force behind Nhill Neighborhood House Learning Centre recently being the recipient of funding through the Victorian Government to develop the Wimmera CALD – Workforce Industry Partnership. This project has enabled the creation of two positions to assist local employers and CALD employees gain employment”.
“On behalf of Council I congratulate Annette as a very deserving recipient of the Hindmarsh Shire Council 2019 Australia Day Citizen of the Year Award”, concluded Cr Ismay.
“It is an absolute pleasure to announce Danni Haebich of Dimboola as the recipient of Hindmarsh Shire Council’s Young Citizen of the Year” said Cr Ron Ismay. Cr Ismay said, “What Danni has achieved during 2018 is nothing short of amazing and is something that she, her parents, friends and community should be extremely proud of”.
“Not only was Danni completing her Year 12 studies at Dimboola Memorial Secondary College, she was a College Captain and a member of the Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council. She has been actively involved with local tennis, netball, athletics, A&P Society, basketball, completed her swimming teacher training and is working at the Dimboola Swimming Pool over the summer” added Cr Ismay.
Danni was a member of a four person team who recently completed a 30km walk along South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula to raise funds and awareness for Beyond Blue. The Dimboola team raised over $2,000 and plans are in place for another trek during 2019.
Cr Ismay said, “As can be seen Danni is a very worthy recipient of Councils Award and was recently recognised for her contribution to the Dimboola community by being the recipient of the 2018 Young Leaders Award at the Keep Victoria Beautiful Tidy Towns Award held in Beechworth in October 2018”.
“As a result of her winning the Victorian award, Danni is now in the running for the Keep Australia Beautiful, 2019 Young Legends awards and on behalf of all Hindmarsh we wish her all the best” concluded Cr Ismay.
“There are two Nhill women whose commitment for twenty years has ensured the broader Nhill community celebrates Christmas each year. On behalf of Hindmarsh Shire Council, I have pleasure in announcing the Nhill Lutheran Church Christmas Tree Exhibition and in particular Mrs. Lorraine Janetzki and Mrs. Wendy Sherwell as the recipient of the Community Event of the Year,” said Cr Ron Ismay.
From humble beginnings this event now attracts displays from a broad range of individuals as well as community groups and other organisations including, Avonlea Home for the Aged, Cooinda Day Centre, Nhill Churches and Sunday Schools.
Cr Ismay said, “The dedication shown by Lorraine Janetzki and Wendy Sherwell towards this event is outstanding and I am sure I speak for all Nhill residents when I say that their commitment and vision has bought joy and a smile to many people over twenty years”.
‘On behalf of Council, I congratulate the Nhill Lutheran Church Christmas Tree Exhibition as a very worthy recipient of the Community Event of the Year’’,
“Hindmarsh Shire Council sincerely thanks everyone who took the time to submit nominations for the 2019 Australia Day Awards and congratulates everyone on their nominations across all categories” added Cr Ismay.
Cr Ismay concluded “Council would like to sincerely thank Alice Pung for being the Hindmarsh Shire Australia Day Ambassador and for attending the events in Rainbow, Jeparit, Dimboola and Nhill and for sharing her stories and experiences.
“On behalf of Council, I would like to extend our gratitude to the volunteers who run the Australia Day events - Rainbow Lions Club, Jeparit Town Committee, Dimboola CWA, and Nhill Lions Club”.
Greg Wood
Chief Executive Officer