Council Plan The Local Government Act 2020 requires that a Community Vision and Council Plan be prepared and adopted by 31 October in the year following a general election.The Community Vision must describe the municipal community’s aspirations for the future of the municipality for a period of at least the next 10 financial years.
Economic Development Strategy The Hindmarsh Shire Council Economic Development Strategy 2024-2028 builds on current economic contexts within the Hindmarsh Shire, to identify strategies and targets to support our people, employment and socio-economic wellbeing, housing, and economic output.
Asset Plan The Asset Plan 2022-2032 is a means of outlining the key elements involved in managing Council assets. It combines management, financial, engineering and technical practices to ensure that the level of service required by user groups is provided at the lowest long term cost to the community within the limits of any fiscal constraints that may be imposed by Council.
Climate Adaption Strategy This document presents a refresh of Hindmarsh Shire’s Climate Adaptation Strategy by summarising recent and long-term climate trends and the accepted outlook for future climatic changes. It presents practical strategies and actions for which Council can make a meaningful contribution in offsetting potential adverse impacts from climate change and severe climate events.
Domestic Animal Management Plan The Domestic Animals Act 1994 (the Act) requires council to prepare a Domestic Animal Management Plan (plan) every four years.The plan must set out a method for evaluating whether the animal management services provided by council are adequate to give effect to requirements of the Act and the Domestic Animal Regulations 2015.
Community Action Plan The Hindmarsh Shire 2024 - 2028 Community Action Plan has been developed through a consultation process between Hindmarsh Shire Council and the communities of Dimboola, Jeparit, Nhill and Rainbow and surrounds, during March and April 2023. Initiatives in the Action Plan range from major capital works projects to advocacy projects to business development initiatives.
Nhill Townscape and Lake Masterplan A Nhill Townscape and Lake Masterplan was developed in 2021. The project vision for Nhill is to enhance pedestrian and visual connections between the Town Centre, Jaypex Park and Nhill Lake, with a focus on encouraging visitors to stay and explore the town.
Nhill Caravan Park Masterplan The Nhill Caravan Park Masterplan was adopted by Council in February 2025. Improvements identified in the masterplan include the installation of new accommodation cabins, realignment and location of powered sites, a new playground and camp kitchen, redeveloped amenities facilities, emergency exits and improved access, fencing and general landscaping.
Gender Equality Action Plan The Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) is an organisational commitment to improving gender equality in the workplace. Workplace gender equality is achieved when people are able to access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless of gender.