Spend time now preparing to get your application right. Providing the right information can save time on the assessment and may get your event running sooner.
What is your event idea?
Start by writing down what you know about your event proposal. You will need to be able to describe the type of event you want to hold and how it will run in some detail.
What permits do I need?
Click below to complete our online Intention to Hold an Event Form.
or alternatively, you can print the following form to complete:
Intention to Hold an Event Form(PDF, 396KB)
Permit Support Meeting
If you need multiple permits (likely for a large event), the Economic Development and Local Laws teams can arrange a meeting with you and the relevant Council departments to get advice on what information you'll need to include in your application. The information we receive from you in the Event Notification Form will help us determine what permits you will need. These meetings are free.
You are ready to apply!