Libraries Hindmarsh Shire Libraries is the home for all things books, magazines, digital resources and community connection! Explore everything the library has to offer by clicking here.
School Holiday Program Hindmarsh Shire Council and Libraries has jam-packed free school holiday programs. Click here for more information.
Youth Find out about the services, events and opportunities available to young people in Hindmarsh Shire.
Family Violence Prevention and Support Click here for more information on family violence, responding to disclosures of violence and contacts for local support services.
Hindmarsh Pride Committee The Hindmarsh Pride Committee (formerly called LGBTIQ+ Reference Group) provides advice to ensure Council’s broader policy issues and Council Plan and programs reflect the interests of the LGBTIQ+ community.
Enrolling to vote as a ratepayer in Hindmarsh Shire Council For more information about enrolling to vote as a ratepayer in Hindmarsh Shire Council.
Community Reporting Tool - VEO & HRC Access the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission Community Reporting Tool if you have experienced racism, sexual harassment or discrimination.